Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Working at home with a sick child...

I love working at home. I have done it for years in several different capacities, now focusing on working as a freelance writer for Suite 101 and Demand Studios. I am not good at going out to work, although for many years I did it anyway. A girl's gotta make money, right? But I hated being on someone elses schedule, I hated having to dress a certain way for different jobs and have bosses looking over my shoulder. In reality, they probably weren't, but that's how I felt.

So working from home has been awesome for me. I make my own hours, have flexibility with my schedule, and can stay home with my son while still making an income of my own. Usually, this all works out great.

Not the last few days. My poor baby has an ear infection, and at almost twenty months old, he is still at an age when he wants to be constantly held when he doesn't feel good. I'm glad I can be here for him when he needs me, but at the same time, nothing has gotten done in the last few days. Not the laundry or the dishes, and certainly not any writing. With my second son due to arrive in the next three or four weeks, I was hoping to get in a bunch of stuff workwise now before the chaos of a newborn sets in, but it's not looking good. Oh well. I just keep telling myself that one day I will miss these days when I am the center of Logan's world...

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