Thursday, April 1, 2010

Only a few more weeks!

People keep telling me to enjoy these last few weekes of pregnancy, that having a newborn and a toddler running around is going to be far harder than being nine months pregnant with a toddler. I may regret saying this later, but I disagree. I heard similar things when I was almost full term with my first son, and I thought life got much easier once he was born. For one thing, once they are out, you can hand them off to someone else sometimes! And you can have a drink and dye your hair and do any number of other things forbidden during pregnancy. Yes, there are trying times, but at least you can go through them in regular jeans instead of a pregnancy muu-muu!

On top of the normal misery of being almost 38 weeks pregnant, I seem to have caught the illness of either my big or little man. Logan had an ear infection and croup last week, and my husband Bill currently has bronchitis. For the last two days, I've had a sore throat, sinus pain and a general feeling of ickiness (a different kind of ickiness than the one i've had for the past four weeks or so!) Don't get me started on the unavailability of good over the counter medications safe for use during pregnancy.

I've reached the point where all I want to do is take naps, read, knit and watch TV, but there is still so much to get done before the baby arrives! And I wanted to reach 50 articles on Suite 101 before the arrival of the baby in mid April, (I'm at 40 right now) plus I need to put in some time at the up-front paying gig, Demand Studios, in order to afford all the baby stuff I still need to buy. Yikes!

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