Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gotta love pregnancy...

So on Thursday I go to the doctor for a regular check up only to be told I have pregnancy induced hypertension. Although the doctor assured me this is not uncommon or very serious in my case, the flurry of emergency ultrasound, bloodwork and urinalysis was not very soothing. Thank God things seem fine with the baby so I was ordered to take it easy over the weekend (with a toddler? Ha!) and see the doctor Monday to check things out again. The end result may be getting induced on Tuesday instead of the following Tuesday, as planned. We shall see. I'm trying not to freak out about all this, but it's weird. I've never had a blood pressure problem in my life, including with my older son or through this entire pregnancy until apparently the last week and a half or so. At least the baby's room is finally ready and we've chosen a name (I think!), so he can show up whenever the time comes! I'm off to watch TV and knit on some legwarmers until Logan wakes up and begins his daily demands of feeding, playing and diaper changes.

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