Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm back....

I know, I know, I've been gone for months. My second son, Luke was born on April 13, and it turns out that juggling two boys that are only 20 months apart is a bit more challenging than I thought. But I digress. I'm just going to skip that awkward part of trying to explain everything that's happened in the last few months and pick up right now. The new baby, while cute, has seriously cut into my knitting time. I have been working on the same sweater since early June, and it still has no sleeves and a collar that needs to be finished. I designed it myself, and I think I'm going to wear it alot, when it finally gets done. It's (another) shawl collared cardigan. I don't know what it is with me and this type of sweater, but I just love them. I also just started a new pair of "Toasty" by Leslie Friend, and a new pair of leg warmers in a pattern I haven't tried before. Yes, my obsession with fingerless gloves and legwarmers continues.

As far as writing goes, that's also much harder with two babies than one, but I'm starting to get back into the swing of things. My main bread and butter is still Demand Studios, now known as Demand Media Studios. I also have been doing some writing for the Examiner, Suite 101 and Break Studios. I like all of them, for different reasons, but Demand is the one that really pays the bills.

It's another rainy day in New Jersey today, so I'm off to find someplace to take my two year old to run around for awhile. We both need it!

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