Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Little Manipulator...

It's amazing to me how quickly children go from innocent babies to crafty little toddlers. The other day, my two year old and I were driving back from visiting a friend of mine who just had her first child. Logan had been a terror at my friend's house: tearing through the rooms, rearranging her blinds and curtains, working her dog into a get the idea.
He must have realized he was on thin ice coming home. I had gotten a haircut and bangs a few days before, and Logan had been fascinated by the change ever since, frequently staring at me and saying, "Mommy hair? Mommy hair!" to show that he had noticed.
So on this day in the car he began saying his new favorite phrase over and over again, with one addition. "Mommy hair - pretty!" Gotta love toddlers, who could stay mad when they hear that?

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