Tuesday, October 12, 2010


So. I have long known that I was no computer expert. I can do MySpace, Facebook, check email, do a bit of shopping, etc. That's about it. I decided to set up a store with Shopster. I have two turtles as pets, and I can never find supplies for them or turtle toys for my kids, so I thought it would be fun to set up a store to make these things available.

The promo materials claim to walk you through everything, it's not necessary to be a good programmer or anything. So I thought I could handle the set-up process. Turns out I either overestimated my computer skills or Shopster underestimates the difficulty of store setup. I'm guessing the problem is me, as it usually is in these situations. Now, I've been working on this since yesterday afternoon, and I think I have it sort of figured out, although I still can't see my store.

Anyone have Shopster and want to share some tips? When (and if) I figure out how to get my site life, I'll link to it. Wish me luck.

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