Monday, October 18, 2010

Pajama Jeans?

My sister karen started it. She is the mother of a newborn, and therefore tends to be awake at odd hours right now. A few days ago she called me and told me that she had seen a commercial in the middle of the night for Pajama Jeans. When she got up in the morning, she wasn't sure if she had dreamed it, so she googled the term and found the website.
She called me shortly after, very excited. She wanted to order a pair and told me to check out the website and see if I wanted some as well. I fell in love as soon as I saw the website, although in the interest of full disclosure, I am a total sucker for advertising.
These "jeans" are supposed to look like regular jeans, but are made from some super new material that feels like a sweatshirt and is comfortable enough to sleepi in, hence the name.
Now, I love the look of jeans, but I am almost embareesed to admit that I do sometimes find them sort of uncomfortable. Sweatpants feel great, but I feel like enough of a fashion "don't" without them. I work at home and have too kids, I already feel frumpy too much of the time.
But these pants... well, I'm really ridiculously excited about this. I'm kind of shocked that my sister was so impressed, as she tends to be more put together and generally stylish than me. I never know what's cool or trendy until the trend has passed.
So, we ordered. And now we wait. I'll update when the pants arrive and I have a personal opinion on them.

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